Saturday, March 12, 2016

Week 10- Attempt at Photography

While waiting for my writing class to start, I was sitting on a bench outside of PSLH, enjoying the gorgeous sunny day. Next to me were these pretty yellow flowers, gently swaying to the wind. I was admiring their beauty and suddenly had the inspiration to try and capture this moment. I got out my phone and pretended to be a photographer for the next five minutes, carefully taking a picture of this flower from multiple angles until I was finally satisfied. The result was a decent picture, at least I like to think it is. In the image depicted above, I tried to capture the essence of the flower. The bright yellow petals contrasts with the green leaves and brown earth. Its color pops and demands my full attention. The light form the sun only served to help the flower glow and show off its soft beauty. In the background, there are shadows caused by my body blocking part of the sun. However, the shadows are very subtle and doesn't take away from the overall brightness of the shot. The flower is the center of this image and evokes peaceful emotions. While looking at this picture, I can't help but feel excited for spring and the nice weather that is to come!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo and I am so glad you spent so much time getting it the way you wanted it. Great ties to the emotions it evoked
