Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week 10: A Beautiful, Stressful Week

So I'm sure for everyone, this past week has been extremely stressful with final exams, papers, and tons of homework. I noticed that even though it was Week 10, and I was stressed and worried about my classes that it was a really beautiful week. Almost everyday the sun was shining, and the sky was clear with just the right amount of clouds. It reminded me that no matter what is going on in your life, that it's important to stop and look around at all the natural beauty that surrounds us. I feel like nature felt sorry for all of us, so it gave us a few beautiful sunny days to relieve our stress. I love how the light is almost making the clouds shine and glow in my picture. I was coming out of my acting class in the Little Theater when I shot this photo. The clouds also highlight the shade of blue that the sky was that day. I wish everyone luck on the rest of their finals. Just remember to enjoy the things around you; finals thankfully don't last forever!

1 comment:

  1. Nice image and comments on the connection to weather and stress levels :)
    I am glad Our Town had an affect on you to stop and notice the little things :)
