Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 6- Morgan Hill

I travelled up to the Bay Area to see my friends and family for the long weekend.  While here, I got roped into filming a small part in an independent feature.  It was close to nine o' clock by the time we got to the location.  I walked over to a small park and snapped this picture.  The early morning sun has always captivated me.  There is something about the way the light is diffused.  The early morning sun acts a lot like a Fresnel in  the sense that it is a wash of light.  There is a beauty to the morning that cannot be captured in the rest of the day.  During the afternoon, the shadows become harsher and the sun's light is more direct.  The way the shadows are cast during the morning is a different style.  It's a whole different animal from the afternoon light that doesn't have the same washed out tone that the morning does.  It's a moment in time every day that is only there for a few hours.  It's the fleeting moment that gives the light a melancholy feeling as well.  The day becomes more tired as it goes on.  The afternoon is where the peak light of the day fades and the sun starts waxing down to night.  The morning light is an experience.  It's merely a rotation of the earth in a twenty-four hour cycle; however, there is a feeling attached with that rotation that gives it power.  The world is newly washed in a hopeful glint, but only for a few hours.  

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