Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4: Ring of light

Note: If your screen is dim you may not be able to see the ring of light in the picture.

I was walking my girlfriend to her car around midnight last Tuesday. We happened to look up at the moon and notice this strange ring of light that I couldn't recall ever catching before. For a quick moment I wondered if it was a rare natural phenomena, or if it portended something bad--my mind jumped to the Porter Ranch gas leak--or it was something common, that I was too distracted to ever note. My mind raced, and then calmed, as I was taken in by the beauty of this ring of light. It can probably be explained simply, but in the moment I was overtaken by awe. I stared at it for a good few moments, and in those moments all the mundane pressing needs of the world fell away.

Week 4: Light & Architecture

Scrolling through some pictures, I came across this one and I just had to put it on the blog because it instantly made me say,"Wow, thats a pretty picture with beautiful lighting." I also remembered seeing the building lit up during the walk. The lights give a huge emphasize on the architecture of the building. It isn't only the lights that capture my attention but the shadows as well I would also say that the lights make the building seem taller than what they actually might be. For instance, the lighting and shadows on the columns give them an elongated appearance, emphasizing the importance of the building. If it weren't for the lights, passerby's wouldn't be able to see the elegant, sculptural details on the building.

Week 4 - Reflections

I find it funny that the second photo I'm choosing for the blog is another reflection photo of a fountain. I took this photo a while ago on my phone. There was barely anyone on campus at the time, and this specific angle and the lighting immediately caught my eye. There was enough light from the sun to reflect the scenery from the fountain and the glass panes in front of the Claire Trevor Theatre. Something about seeing a bright scene reflected is calming and soothing to me. This photo, unlike the previous one, is filled with less warm colors. The presence of more cool colors makes the image more calm, more static. The image is less vibrant, and the lighting here makes the brighter cool colors provide a sense of stillness. The brightness of the natural light in this photo really brings more out of the photo for me. The ripples of light across the pond add an element of motion to an otherwise still scene. It's like a painting of the much clearer scene on top of the photo. While this isn't one of my favorite photos I've taken, I was immediately drawn to taking it because of the lighting above all else. This is a place that I've passed for over three years at school and I've never been more compelled to take a photo. 

Love & Happiness,

Jerel Xander Aurelio Cabesas

Week 4: A Little Hint of Sunshine

Last week, I spent the late afternoon getting my head shots taken. All of the pictures were taken all over campuses in beautiful spots I had no idea even existed. As the sun was beginning to set my friend got a snapshot of this and then actually took a picture with me in the same spot that was gorgeous as well. He used a 18-55mm kit lens with a lens filter on it. What added the to making this a beautiful shot was the lens filter let light leak through without blowing out the light (making it too harsh). I love the lens flare in the picture and this little hint of sunshine really makes me smile every time I look at the picture. Sunshine is one of the world's most used forms of light so I thought it fitting to have this picture included in my blog. These blogs are very relaxing and enjoyable to do just like this specific photograph. 
Until next time,
Au Revior,

Last night, I went to the Los Angeles Theatre because they were showcasing this event called, Bringing Back Broadway. Anyway, I entered the main lobby, went downstairs, and there was this big ballroom floor and they had all this lights flashing up to a disco ball. Anyway, I took this picture and I was just so in love how it came out. I adore how all the lights are reaching up to the disco ball and it projects specks of light on the floor. What I really love how you can only see the people's silhouettes, which puts more focus on the ceiling. It's like a ray of light shining down on a mass of darkness. To me, it looks like a representing of how even in the darkest times and places, there is always that light shining through.

Week 4 The End of the Rainy Day

I took this photo this Sunday afternoon. It was super rainy and windy all day, but when I came out of the supermarket this afternoon, the rain clouds were beginning to give way to the sun. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon, so just before sunset. I was struck by the brilliant contrast between the dazzling setting sunlight and the gray rain clouds. I love the bright blue sky in the top corner and the hints of blue sky peeking through the deep gray rain clouds. It had been a long and somewhat stressful week, but as I stood there looking at the sunlight streaking through the clouds along the horizon causing the buildings and trees to appear as a simple silhouette and vivid blue sky peering out from behind the layer of clouds, I felt refreshed and calm. It was a moment that reminded me of the beauty that is all around us everyday, if we just take the time to notice it.

Week 4 - Beach Boys

I grew up listening to classic rock. In Italy, the only English music that was played on the radio was classic rock. As a result, most of my favorite bands come from the 50’s to the 80’s. Included in this group of my favorite music is The Beach Boys. Barely speaking a word of English, I tried to sing along to songs like “Fun,” “California Girls,” and “Kokomo.” When I moved to Southern California and witnessed the sunsets and sandy beaches that inspired so many beautiful harmonies, my love for the band grew even greater. Over the past weekend, a dream came true and I had the privilege of watching The Beach Boys (including most original members) perform live. The concert took place last Sunday evening at the Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa. It was a rather chilly night as my friends and I walked to the venue, but once we got to our seats we warmed with beach vibes that illuminated the stage. The warm tones of lights on the stage, paired with the palm trees and surfboards made you forget that it was winter outside. In the particular picture, the lighting changed to a cool blue that reminded me of the color the moon makes when it reflects on the ocean at night. The band sang “Surfer Girl,” a slower song that features beautiful harmonies and a romantic melody line and the audience members took out their phones and used their light as modern-day lighters to sway in the air along with music. It was an unforgettable moment hearing one of my favorite bands, play one of my favorite songs.

Week 4-Paint the Night

Disneyland has become a great interest of mine in the past year, and for the first time in such a long one I was able to sit down and watch the parade. No, I didn't wait billions of hours to snag a spot, but just calculated my time and attacked a spot, and because of that I got this picture. It was something spectacular in the contrast of the night sky as they turn off all the lights in the surrounding area to get the desired effect of coloring a dark world with beautiful, pigmented colors. After watching each float go by Belle's came along and granted she wasn't my absolute favorite, I felt she was the one that had the most with her outfit. I was curious about the extravagance of the lighting and what was lighting the dress. Was it just a shell and the interior was filed with a light to give the effect? Or was it hundreds of small lights that made it up? I was enthralled by the brightness and then the contrast of the other candles to make it individual, and also cohesive the the atmosphere even more contributing to the beauty of the lighted dress and also give the feeling of candles and the actual color of the flame. Even in the small of the background the rose is crafted with different complementary lights to give it a nice hue and shade. This parade made an wondrous viewing for lights and what they can portray.

Week 4 - Curtains

I have seen this window so many times throughout the past year, and yet I hadn't really thought about it until I was looking at it today while listening to the harsh winds. It's a window that I hadn't really consciously noticed much before, with its thick ornate cloth curtains that blocks out the world outside. The curtain's fabric is rather white, however when the sunlight shines through it, the curtains appear to be a very light beige or cream. It reminds me of how light can make colors appear differently, similar to what we discussed in color theory class. I notice the pleats, and how the bunches of fabric take the light differently. Some bunches of fabric allow the bright light to shine through, while some end up in shadow. It is easy to see the pretty ornate pattern of the fabric through the brightly lit portions of the curtains as well. The dim light that shines through is much more calming to me than if I were to open the curtains and to allow more direct sunlight into the room. It allows the light around me in the room to be much more muted, and easier to take in.

Whenever I am in a room, I often find myself closing the curtains or the blinds, as direct or bright sunlight often causes me to have headaches, or hurt my eyes. And yet sometimes I wonder if it's also a need for privacy, or a paranoia of leaving a room open for anyone to see. Perhaps I should try leaving my window open to see how it is, one day, and to take note of how much differently the light affects the room.

Week 4 Bowling Alley

When I took this picture I was enjoying a night out with some friends. I was happy to be out with them, especially bowling. I noticed when going into bowling allies, it's either lit generally evenly, or like the picture I took. Dimly lit, with some lights shining on the seats, and cooler hues over the lanes. This view in particular looks fun and engaging to me. Multiple colors, different degrees of light. It looks like a fun place to be in, it's inviting, but not in the way a playground is, closer resembling a bar of some sorts.

Week 4 - Sunset

A couple days ago I was walking to a rehearsal on the others side of campus, and I noticed how beautiful the sunset looked. I decided to take a couple of pictures because I loved the colors that were featured in this sunset. I loved how the light mixed with the clouds, created shadows within them, and made this pink and orange color. These clouds almost remind me of cotton candy. It's amazing how much natural sunlight has an effect on our surroundings.

Week 4
I was feeling tired but content with myself when I took this photo last week. I was thinking about how similar sun sets were to rainbows because they display the whole color spectrum until it fades from blue to a deep purple or black sky. The car lights lens flare I thought were a cool effect on this moment. This picture makes me relaxed.

Week 4- ARC Parking Structure

Late last night I was spending some time with my friends at the top of the ARC parking structure. We've made it a tradition for us to come here whenever something good happens, or if we need to clear our minds. The view here is breath taking and you can see all of Irvine. It's amazing how much of the city is visible from this building. My favorite time to come to this place is at night, the perfect moment to behold all of the city lights. While standing atop this building, staring off into the distance at the skyscrapers, I had the instinct to capture this instance on camera so that I could remember it in the future. The night sky was perfectly contrasted by the individual lights emanating from the various buildings. This produced a lively atmosphere, one that allowed me to soar over the city spiritually and mentally. Despite the whisks of clouds in the sky, the light from the stars were still able to shine through and brighten my mood. This was truly an ethereal experience, one that allowed my mind to wander aimlessly and forget about everything. Oddly enough, however, I also felt that I could grasp the universe. To others, this view may just be one of city lights, but for me it means so much more. For me, this picture and view represents all of my hopes and dreams. I aspire to be cruising around the city one day, attending work in the field that calls to me. Standing atop this place, with no noise except for the whistling of the wind, I was able to travel to a new world and visualize myself living in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Week 4: Griffith Observatory

I don't get off the campus much, but I was fortunate enough to travel to Los Angeles.  I decided to finally see the Griffith Observatory for the first time, and I was enthralled by the building.  What stands out in my is the afternoon light that hit the building.  There's a certain majesty and crispness to winter sunlight.  The air is a lot heavier with moisture and the sun refracts off of that, giving winter light a much heaver darker hue.  The clouds offered the perfect contrast to the chaotic city as they drifted over the skyscrapers listlessly.  The observatory is placed in the only forested area, and it reminded me of the forests I used to hike in, back in the South Bay.  Overall, the feeling that I got was a certain majesty and grace.  There's something special about this time of year, as winter starts to dissipate and spring leaps into the gap that winter has created.  It's all reflected in the way the sun reflects off of the surfaces of the buildings.  The sky seems to reflect the golden light and make it darker.  All over the chaos of one large city.  It's was gorgeous.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 4 - A Bright Star

It is hard to see but there is one small light on the upper left corner. While I was walking around the beach, I realized that there are so many stars in the sky and there was one bright star, which is on the picture. The sky is black and all the small stars were twinkling with a white light. Because the sky is dark and the stars had a white color, it looked that the sky is supporting those white stars. But this one had a strong bluish light, which was different compared with other ones. Even though the star had a similar color with the sky by having a bluish color, it seemed that this star is older than other ones. All the small stars seemed that they are young and working hard to make people focus on their lights, and this big old star seemed that it is working harder than any others and thinking that it might die soon. I was thinking about my future and I saw the stars in the sky, which made me think that I am those small stars right now. I am getting support from others like the small stars getting the support from the sky. I started to think that I have to work harder to be like the star that has a strong shining light.

Week 4- Happiest Place

I am always able to find time to go to Disneyland, it's where my heart lies and always will. I love the rides, the shows, the parades, the people, but the most magical part is the fireworks. I took this picture when watching the fireworks and was able to capture something magnificent. I love the Matterhorn silhouetted by the bright red fireworks in the sky. I really love the amount of character found in this picture and it is all created by the source or lack of light within this picture. I always find things really pretty when the back lighting is more obvious than any other side of lighting. Obviously, the things in front of the fireworks are not emphasized because of the lack of front lighting, but the picture still allows the top of the Matterhorn to be seen along side the fireworks, something truly magical, beautiful, and inspiring.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 4 - Thien Hau Temple

This past weekend, I went to the Thien Hau Temple in Chinatown to worship the gods on the last full moon of the lunar new year. The temple was pretty busy. There were people everywhere putting together plates of fruit and meats to give as an offering to the different gods. There were people lighting incense sticks and praying on their knees. There were people eating the food that volunteers of the temple have cooked. The Thien Hau Temple is a very large and grand building. When you look at it from the outside, there are a lot of gold and red embellishments - colors that signify good fortune. The inside is no different; there are intricate statues and brightly colored patterns on the walls and ceilings. On the ceiling hung multiple chandeliers and lanterns. Because of the warm yellow/orange hues they gave off, it made me feel like I was stepping into a magical place. The room felt very inviting and made me feel almost like I was safe and protected. On top of that, all the smoke from the incense created a cloudy haze throughout the whole room. The way the lighting looked through all the smoke made everything look like it was glowing, which added to that "magical place" effect, which I thought was very appropriate since we were in a place to worship gods.

Week 4 - A Calming World

Before school started, on my way back from Montreal, I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful sky I’d ever seen from a plane. I don't know what time of night it was, because it was in the middle of the flight and I don’t know what part of the country we were currently in, but it’s bright enough to make me think it was early evening. I really like that despite the bright pinpoint of white light from the moon, the rest of the picture does not have a clear light source. The darkness blended into the middle makes it seem like light is coming from above and from below, but it is difficult to tell. The light is most likely reflecting off of the clouds at the bottom, and maybe the source is at the top, but I’m still not sure; it might be the other way around. Because there is no clear light source, it almost felt like I was floating in this other world, suspended in a weird fluid or atmosphere that is very smooth and flowy, unlike how it feels to stand on the rough solid ground of the earth. I also really like how the colors of the light blend smoothly. The soft blending, along with the various blue tints, makes the overall world calming and soothing.

Week 4

This was taken on a hike that I went on at Crystal Cove. It was a bit gloomy but the weather was good enough to for a hike. I really liked this photo because one can see the illumination from the sun onto the ocean, one can also see how the clouds are illuminated and it makes the sky look very amazing. The different lighting gives us an idea of distance, When looking at the clouds we can see that the closer portion to me looked whiter and brighter and the farther light looked darker. One thing that I really like about this image is how it makes illuminates the water, giving us like a white road type off look on the water. Unfortunately, a picture captures only so much but being there is an, even more, amazing scene.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mad Woman in the Volvo Lighting

Today after watching the hilarious Mad Woman in the Volvo play in South Coast Repertory. I found myself wondering about the amazing of lighting and how it really plays a role in changing the mood of the story. During the play there are various moments when colors shift. I managed to get a pic of the opening lighting, it is not as cool as the various shifts that were active in the play. But at least I captured one of its most bright moments. Lighting is definitely something that plays a role in storytelling and if anyone were to see this play, it would be very obvious to see that Lighting definitely works its miracles. South Coast Repertory is awesome, I can't wait to see more.

Week 3

Last week, I went to L.A, and I absolutely love the tall buildings the city has. It was around the afternoon when I took this picture because I honestly loved how the sun projected light onto the buildings. However, my camera made the sun stand out so much and shrouded everything else. In  a way, the sun reminded me of a precise brushstroke, or something a leko or source 4 might do.  Also, I notice I love playing with shadows in my picture! In my previous post, I had a lot of shadows in my photo, and now, the buildings are in darkness, however you can see the textures it gives out due to the light. In addition, on the left, there is a hint of color on the tree branches. Originally, the leaves were green, however, in this light, it appears more on the yellowish side! Also, something weird happened with my camera! So, on the right, you can see there is this blue-purple circle created by the sunlight and I just thought it was so cool!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week 2 Leaves of Claire Trevor

I took this picture beneath the trees over Claire Trevor's fountain. The day was mostly clear skies, few clouds. however there's a contrast between the blue in the corner and the intense sunlight coming through some of the clouds. There's a point where the light shines very brightly, through the leaves focusing the light. The colors are calming and clearly varying degrees of intensity and brightness, the contrast between the darker leaves and bright ones create a more picturesque view. Having the sun overhead behind the leaves creates a nice effects of varying degrees of hues and intensities of light.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Magic is in The Air

I took this picture about a weeks ago on random trip to Disney. It was quite chilly but we had a very fun and magical time. I like this picture because the sunset lit up the sky enough so one could observe the scenery and cast a nice glow to the rides. The lighting also made the reflection on the water look amazing. The grayish/blue skies gives me an idea of the temperature and weather. as well as the ripples in the water. The ripples break the light from making a symmetrical image of the rides on the water. One can easily see Mickey's face because there is a light that is cast from behind to make him stand out from it's surroundings making it the highlight of the image. Lighting the yellow rays behind the face also gives us the idea of where we should look. Mickey's face is so grand that one cannot help but look in awe of the marvelous site.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 2 - A Summer Vacation in California

Back in the summer of 2011, my father gave me his old DSLR. That entire summer, he gave me a lot of advice and showed me a lot about photography, which, to this day, has become a small hobby of mine. That summer, my father, sister, and I visited the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. This water fountain is just outside the entrance. I was immediately captivated by its placement and the look of the reflection. I decided to place my camera down on the edge of the water fountain and took a somewhat long exposure shot. Funnily enough, the man in the photo was still for the entire shot.

This is among my favorite photos I took during that trip to California (at the time, I was in High School in Alaska, my home state). Looking at this photo now, I am still brought a sense of calmness and serenity. The warm of the buildings meeting with the cool of the sky and water provides a sense of evenness. A midway between warm and cool. Balance. I am always amazed by the beauty that can be provided just by natural light. Of course, this is near an art museum and it is meant to look, well, like art. In this same vein, however, it gives me an insight into the consideration and design behind placing this fountain here. The symmetry and clash of warm and cool colors creates, again, a sense of evenness. The natural light from the sun was used to its full advantage. The light is unfiltered, unfocused. The wash of natural light gives this scene the best light needed.

Love & Happiness,

Jerel Xander Aurelio Cabesas

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 2: Nature's Bliss

This is a picture of the Center of Aldrich Park. The Sunlight has a very warm tone and the light brings out the trees and boulders giving an Earthy feel. It feels like I can just wake up have some oatmeal and honey and just soak in these natural rays. It was awesome and I was just meditating in nature and enjoying the vibration it was great. Praise the Sun!!

Week 2: A long hike

This past weekend, I went for a hike with my friend who's home from the east coast where he's going to school. We used to run and hike a lot in the hills near my home--the Puente Hills. I was a bit cavalier with our navigation. I knew the trails, vaguely. There was a dialogue going on about whether or not my friend's shoes were appropriate for this trail, and most of my directions ended in "... I think," or "I'm pretty sure." We found our way to the main trail, but it was getting dark. By the time we got back to my car, it was how you see in the picture. This house (it might be a service station) was a ways off from the trailhead. In the day, it's unassuming. At night, in the dark, it's a beacon. Seeing it was comforting, relieving, assuring. The light illuminated what I seemed to know, vaguely. Any bad feelings that were maybe rankling between us were dispelled and it helped to usher in a finality to the hike. The drive back was pleasant.

Winter Week 2: Morning

I was on a plane when I took this picture, and I was able to watch the sun rise and come up above the clouds. With the sun coming up, we can see the transition from darkness of the night to the first moments of morning. The light from the sun was very white and created the blue color that is the sky. As the light from the sun went over the clouds, the texture of the clouds can be seen and created a shadow that I thought added depth. It can’t be seen in this picture, but the cloud’s color also shifted from black to grey to a dirty white. I hadn’t expected the sudden onset of light, so when the sun started coming up, I felt more awake, and the mood shifted from cold to warm.

Week 2-Hot Air Balloons

When I went back home to my small town in Colorado, I was able to view the annual hot air balloon festival where the balloons fly over our town. Early in the morning, I went out to take pictures of this beautiful event and a magical thing happened. As I took the picture of this balloon with my phone, the light from the sun enhanced and edited the way the picture was captured. This final product is so different from what the my own eye saw. The colors that radiated from the sun going through the balloon were completed the changed. This specific balloon was actually red, but the phone camera captured something very different. I think this is such a wonderful thing; it's amazing how people and objects can observe the same light and yet view it in such unique and creative ways.

Week 2 - Disneyland Diamond Celebration


Disneyland was always a place that inspired awe within me. Even from when I was a child, until now, I would have memories of the lights, smellsI would just take every sense in and feel so much happiness. The castle was always the most memorable to me as a child. To me, it always seemed so big and majestic. It amazed me that when I came back when I was much older, I still felt the same way. Coming back for the 60th Diamond Celebration, I found that the castle was bedazzled in jewels, and found the lighting of it to be so spectacular. The amount of work put into lighting the castle is incredible, with what I think to be individual lights on the roofs to create the sparkling effect, and bright pinkish and white lights that highlight certain doors and architectural areas. The beautiful gradients/washes of dark purple and blue colors for the castle walls give the castle a calming yet royal, majestic feeling in the night. 
I find the lighting technique and the color choices to be amazing as well. The gradient effect of making the castle go from darker at the bottom to brighter as it goes up especially allows for the castle to look much larger. Though the castle is actually not as big, from afar the lighting of it creates a perception that the castle is much taller and more magnificent. The bright rays of light that shine from behind the castle as well really helps in the overall look of the presentation of the castle, making it even more eye catching! The amount of work put into the lighting of Disneyland will always be inspiring to me, as it helps to make every Disneyland visitor's experience even more magical. 


This is my first impression of California. I'm not originally from California and was born and raised in city. There are tall buildings everywhere and all those tall buildings are standing right next to each other. Even I look up, I only see little fraction of sky because my view is obstructed by all the structures. Also beach is nowhere near the city that I'm from. So it is still fascinating to me that I don't even have to look up to see sky in California. Here in California, I just look forward and the vast sky spread out before my eyes. I like it even more when there are lots of color variations in the sky just like this photo (purple, orange, grey, yellow, little bit of pink and green). I think the sky is very similar to lighting on stage. Just like the fact that there are more than one color in the sky, on stage, lighting designer creates mood by using bunch of different colors in one scene.

Blog 1: Ireland

Over the summer I went on a two week trip to Ireland with my family. We arrived in Dublin on a Friday evening and one of the images I remember most was a small back- alley lit with green string lights. These green lights zig-zagged across an alley of old brick pubs, creating a sort of ceiling between them, and behind it a pink cloudy sky began it’s transformation into night. Orange open-signs and building lights began to switch on, lending warmth to the scene. Compliment to the sound of bagpipes and crowded taverns, this imagery made me feel the excitement of Dublin’s youthful city nightlife. The florescent green strung across the alley was cultural and patriotic, but friendly and inviting at the same time. I had very little idea where the “cool/hip” pubs in Dublin were located at the time, and most of the streets looked and sounded the same to my strangely eyes. But after turning the corner into this alleyway, those lights seemed to buzz with all the electricity and exuberance that filled the cool air, and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. 

Week 2 - Warmth within Blues
I went on a vacation some time back with my Mom and Brother. The route on the way there was quite scenic and we made many stops along the way to stretch. It was an overcast day throughout, and by night time it poured on our cabin once we reached our destination. Of the trip this was one of my favorite pictures of the scenery. I've always preferred winter overcast weather to brighter sunny days. The sensation of warmth whilst being surrounded by a chilly outside has always been comforting to me and this kind of lighting reminds me of that. The blue light coming between the clouds over the green and gushing creek enhances the atmosphere best.

Week 2 - Sunlight

A couple years ago I was going to a rehearsal at my old junior college, Orange Coast College, and as I was walking inside I noticed how the sun was shining through the clouds. This is still probably one of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken. I'm so glad that I was able to capture this beautiful moment on camera. I have always been fascinated by sunsets and the way that the light dances and reflects off of the clouds. During sunsets, I love watching the colors change and how the light changes the colors of the clouds as well. It makes me realize how there is never two sunsets or clouds that look the exact same way twice. In this picture, I felt like there was a spotlight behind the clouds shining through them. Seeing the sky look like this is a little reminder to me that today is going to be a good day, and lifts my spirits if I'm ever having a bad day.

Week 2

I took this picture weeks ago, but from my house has a big window, which projects a sunlight on a singular space of my wooden floor. My dog loves to sun bathe so she laid in it, and it was so interesting because she popped out. I decided to take a picture of her, and I just loved how my phone focused on her while everything was blocked out into darkness. I don't know why, but there's something so beautiful about her face not being captured in light. On her body, her face is the only section that isn't in the light, however, she's looking up, as if she's looking at heaven. I love how the white fur makes her more angelic and the brown is very subtle.

Week 2 - A Day by the Sea

After spending my Saturday night at the Pacific Edge Hotel in Laguna Beach, I was awoken by the beautiful sound of the waves. The marine layer filled the air with a dark, gloomy fog that cast a dark shadow on an otherwise lovely morning. Fortunately, out on a stroll by the sand, the fog cleared and the sun shone brightly and made the ocean glisten. I noticed as the morning shifted from gloomy to bright, so did the life around me. When the fog filled the air the streets were quiet and the mood was somber; when the sun was shining people were out walking their dogs, playing in the sand, and soaking in the light. It was a memorable sight to see.

Week #2- Irvine VDC

This picture was taken this past fall quarter near the VDC apartments at around 5 pm. I fell in love with this site and wanted to capture the colors and the scenery that accompanied it. While looking at this picture with the light hues of the ground and then the purple sky darkening closer to the top and lightening up towards the back more with dark clouds contrasting it, one wouldn't really think this was California, but more of a desert. What really captured me with this view was the contrast in colors and of light to dark. I really loved seeing the ground lit up, while the sky was in a darker shade. With these colors and lighting, it really accentuated the area, such as the bushes to the rocks on the ground and certain individual characteristics of the nature. I was very fortunate to capture such a beautiful scene.

Week 2 - The Grand Canyon


This summer on my way to Irvine from Texas, I went to the Grand Canyon. This was taken in late August at the North Rim at sunset. This view actually took my breath away. I love the colors of the sky as the setting sun's light bounces through the clouds. The way the yellow-orange swirls into the pale pink against the lovely light blue sky. I also love the shadow of the rain in the distance. It was as if all of this color was dancing on top of the slowly darkening canyon. Parts of the canyon itself were highlighted by the sun's light while other areas were almost black in the shadow on the canyon floor. Sometimes I think shadows or storms in the distance can feel ominous or scary, but not in this scene. The light and colors of this picture make me feel peaceful and hopeful. The shadow of the rain clouds and falling rain in the distance against the light brightness of the sky felt like a fresh start or something cleansing. This scene brought a stillness to both my mind and body. I found myself engulfed in a quiet peace as I stood there in that moment.