Friday, January 15, 2016

Week 2- Laos

A couple of months ago, my sister went on an amazing trip to the country of Laos. After spending an adventurous three weeks in my parents' homeland, she captured bountiful astonishing photos, and this picture is the one that stood out to me in particular. I absolutely love nature and have always dreamed of visiting places such as these. My sister told me of her experience standing on this hill and seizing the moment with her camera. I remember her saying how at peace she was with herself and how just standing there made her feel like the only person in the world. She was transported to a new place where it was just her and nature. I can recall her telling me about the smell of the crisp, fresh air and how wonderful the light, cool breeze felt. She was fatigued from the hike, but being able to witness this magical moment made her forget everything. While listening to all of this, I was able to visualize perfectly the scene that was in front of her. Looking at this photograph, I can see why she had such a spiritual moment. The way the natural sunlight brushes over the lush greenery and those gorgeous mountains give the picture a bright and peaceful mood. The color scheme of the photo is breathtaking as well, from the dense green vegetation, to the earthy brown ground, to the multiple shades of blue in the sky; all these elements come together and blend perfectly, creating a work of art that no man could hope to ever recreate. Additionally, the formation of the clouds are in no way threatening, but rather give the look of soft, cushion y pillows. The sunlight helps to accent every shape present in this scene, and gives every object a softer, more welcoming edge. I can see every feature of the natural terrain clearly and it feels as if I was there with my sister. The radiant blue sky helps me feel and smell the fresh air that is always present on hills such as these. It is clear how powerful lighting is in this moment. If the sun was harsher, or if the sky was shrouded in darkness, this picture would have produced a drastically different impression. Nonetheless, the light from the sun allowed the beauty of nature to shine in this photo and has the power to take anyone on a spiritual journey to the country of Laos.

1 comment:

  1. Really insightful post - great mix of what is being seen with how you and your sister feel about it

    Nice post
